Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Trip to the U.S.

My plan was continue the study for a master's degree. The government provides scholarships for some citizens to continue their education abroad. During my work I was trying to obtain such grants. on 5/1/2007, the Ministry of Higher Education announced that it will receive requests for wishing to continue their education abroad within two weeks from the date of declaration. During that time I sent all the required documents to the competent authority in the Ministry of Higher Education. Applicants were more than twice the required number. after differentiation between applicants Ministry of Higher Education in announce its website the names of the winners scholarships. I was tense during the search for my name among those names. I felt great joy when I found my name among the winner names. Finally I started to travel long. Today I am at the headquarters Scheme. I have lived in Ruston for tow months. I am hapy here. I hope to achieve my goal and get a master's degree.

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